Thursday, May 16, 2013

Is Obama The Antichrist?

I would like to think that no matter how ridiculous a subject may be, that I can still make impartial observations and assimilate information fairly. Unfortunately, mainstream news has failed us and people have to refer to other resources to gather information about important events. However anyone who is familiar with scanning sources such as YouTube knows that misinformation can be just as easily accessed on such a  format. Just recently someone spliced up an episode of "Family Guy" in order to make it look like the show predicted the Boston Marathon bombing, and then posted it on YouTube.

One video subject that is trending right now, so typically, is the belief by some that President Obama is the antichrist. Of course they have said this about almost every US President since Ford, so legitimacy has already been trampled on. But I have examined many of these videos, and I would like to address a few of the overall points that some are making about end times Bible prophecy and Obama being the antichrist.

First I would note that a lot of these videos, not unlike the perpetrator of the Family Guy video, conveniently cut and paste clips to fit their story. Several that are on YouTube now show a clip of Obama being called the antichrist by a heckler in the audience, before being swept away by security. The part that they cut out was that, while the heckler was being dragged away, he was shouting "Jesus is Lord". Obama then says at least 3 times "I agree with him, Jesus is Lord." Not a very useful clip to the agenda when taken in full context.

Next, lets get down to the Biblical talking points that some of the YouTubers are using as proof that Obama is the antichrist. The one that I see them spending the most time on is concerning Luke 10:18 where Jesus says, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven". These videos semi-accurately state that the original Hebrew words that Jesus would have used are "Baraq" for lightning, and "Bamah" for heavens or heights. The video then concludes that there should be an 'o' between the two words so Jesus would have said, in Hebrew, I beheld Satan as Baraq O Bamah. If you want to check this information out, it will be easy for you to search for, so I won't get specific. But the two words lightning and heavens are separated by two words "fall" and "from", which might have interrupted the sounding of Barack Obama's name. Another problem here is the conjunction represented by the 'o' is the sounding of Hebrew word "waw". It is true that 'waw' is a conjunction, but it actually translates as "and". The word "and" would not fit into the scripture in this way, so I don't believe there should be an 'o' sound in between the words. Now this information does not completely disprove that Jesus might have said in this scripture "Satan" and "baraq o bamah" in such a way. But another problem here is that The Bible tells us that the antichrist's name is supposed to represent 666, and not one video has shown how Obama's name would fit into this code. Also, Satan is not the antichrist, so that would also make the attempt at such a translation inaccurate.

Finally, there are a lot of antichrist descriptions in Revelations that they say Obama has fulfilled. After shuffling through them several times I have found them all to be too vague to offer any real proof. The popular right-wing Christian extremist viewpoint is that Obama's receptiveness to other religions makes him a Muslim, and therefore, must be evil, hate America and show irrefutable proof that he is indeed the antichrist. I can't possibly cover all of the things that are wrong with this current position, but you can research "Christian Zionism" if you are interested in how these beliefs were created by the evangelical and political extreme right.

So, until the next President is elected, I believe I have offered enough evidence to calm those that are on the fence about when the return of Christ might happen. Those that wish to hate Islam, Obama and anything they do not understand are probably not going to be swayed by any proof that lines up against what they wish to believe. Personally, I just think that Obama is a very small part of the problem in America, and my biggest issue with him is that he has done nothing to oppose the status quo politics that he pretends to fight against. That doesn't necessarily mean that he is evil, or a perpetrator of all things wrong in America today. He just doesn't seem to have the leadership qualities to stand against things that he knows to be wrong and detrimental to America's growth.

I can understand that Christians anxiously await Christ's return, and will always be open to and looking for clues of the Revelations. But I think often we go searching for things and invent them in the process. The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns, every eye shall see and every knee shall bow. So, if one believes in the Bible, then there is absolutely no fear that we will somehow miss it. There is also scripture that says that we may know the season of his return. So I believe that, even without our vigorous searching for clues, it will be quite evident to us that the end times are coming quickly, when we are finally, truly close to the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

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